Education 03 Nov 2023

How to Calculate Percentage: A Simple Guide

how to calculate percentage


Calculating percentages is a basic math skill widely used in everyday life. Whether you’re working with exemptions, taxes, awards, or investments, it’s important to know how to calculate percentages so understand how to calculate percentages, provide examples, share some advice, and discuss real-life issues.

The Technique:

There is a simple way to calculate a percentage:

Percent = (part / total) x 100

  • Part: The portion of the whole that you want to find the percentage of.
  • Whole: The total quantity or the complete amount.

Example 1: Find 20% of 150

To find 20% of the 150, use the formula:

Percent = (20 / 100) x 150

Percent = (0.20) x 150

Percent = 30

So, 20% of 150 is

Example 2: Calculating 15% of a $60 Purchase

To calculate 15% of a $60 purchase, use the formula:

Percent = (15 / 100) x $60

Percent = (0.15) x $60

Percent = $9

So 15% of the $60 purchase is $9.

  1. Immediate 10% Find: To find 10% of the value, just move it one decimal place to the left. For example, 10% of 350 do

  2. Double for 20%: Double the 10% yield to get 20%. So, 20% of the 350 is 70 (10% is 35, and 20% is twice that).

How to Calculate Percentage - Real-Life Scenarios:

How percentages are calculated in real-life situations is important:

  1. Purchase Discount: To find out the discount on an item at the time of sale, you use a percentage. For example, if a $100 item gets a 25% discount, you can easily calculate your savings.

  2. Grades: Percentages are often used in education to determine grades. Your final grade is usually a percentage of the total marks you get on the tests.

  3. Financial planning: Percentages are important in making financial decisions, such as calculating interest rates on loans, understanding investments and even borrowing

In Practice: An Example Question

Let’s say you’re eating at a restaurant, and you want to leave a 15% tip on a $45 bill. How many faces should there be?


Using the process:

Percent = (15 / 100) x $45

Percent = (0.15) x $45

Percent = $6.75

Therefore, a 15% tip on a $45 meal fare should be $6.75.

In conclusion, the ability to calculate percentages is a valuable skill that allows you to make informed decisions in various areas of your life. Whether it’s budgeting, understanding discounts, or grading, percentages are everywhere, and developing these skills is essential to solving problems on a daily basis.

Percentage - Qualification Questions




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