Health 03 Nov 2023

How Much Water To Drink In A Day

how much water to drink in a day

How Much Water to Drink in a Day: Guidelines for Men and Women

Introduction: Water is essential to our overall health and well-being. It plays an important role in physiological functions such as digestion, circulation and temperature regulation. But how much water should you drink in a day? The latter is not for everyone, as it depends on a number of factors, including age, gender, activity level and weather. In this article, we will give you a comprehensive guide to the daily water intake of both men and women.

Factors Affecting Daily Water Requirements: Many factors affect your daily water requirements:

  1. Body weight: In general, the more you weigh, the more water you need.

  2. Activity level: Exercise and sweating increase your water needs.

  3. Climate: Hot, humid conditions require plenty of water to maintain hydration.

  4. Age: Children and the elderly have different hydration needs.

Daily water recommendation:

Here are daily water intake recommendations for men and women based on different factors.

1 Year:

Age GroupDaily Water Intake (Approximate)
Infants (0-6 months)4-6 ounces (breast milk or formula)
Infants (7-12 months)6-8 ounces (including some water)
Children (1-3 years)4 cups (32 ounces)
Children (4-8 years)5 cups (40 ounces)
Girls (9-13 years)7-8 cups (56-64 ounces)
Boys (9-13 years)7-9 cups (56-72 ounces)
Girls (14-18 years)8-10 cups (64-80 ounces)
Boys (14-18 years)11 cups (88 ounces)
Adult Women9-11 cups (72-88 ounces)
Adult Men12-16 cups (96-128 ounces)
Pregnant WomenAdditional 1-2 cups (8-16 ounces)
Breastfeeding WomenAdditional 4-8 cups (32-64 ounces)


2 Body weight and activity level :

  • To determine your specific daily water needs, you can use a simple formula:
    • Multiply your weight in pounds by 2/3 (or 67%).
    • If you're physically active, add 12-16 ounces of water for every 30 minutes of exercise.

3 Weather

  • In hot and humid conditions, you may need to increase your water intake significantly to prevent dehydration. Be attentive to your body's signals and thirst.

Quick table display:

Here is a quick browse table, summarizing recommendations for daily water intake:

CategoryDaily Water Intake Recommendation
Infants (0-12 months)4-8 ounces (including milk or formula)
Children (1-8 years)4-5 cups (32-40 ounces)
Children (9-13 years)7-9 cups (56-72 ounces)
Adolescents (14-18 years)8-11 cups (64-88 ounces)
AdultsMen: 12-16 cups (96-128 ounces) Women: 9-11 cups (72-88 ounces)
Pregnant WomenAdditional 1-2 cups (8-16 ounces)
Breastfeeding WomenAdditional 4-8 cups (32-64 ounces)


Conclusion: Maintaining adequate hydration is essential for good health. Daily water intake varies depending on factors such as age, sex, level of activity, and weather. By following these guidelines and listening to your body’s cues, you can ensure you’re meeting your daily water requirements and staying well hydrated. Remember that individual water needs can vary, so adjust your water intake to your specific situation.

Be sure to read, Water, Hygiene and Hygiene ( WASH) It is

